Mr. Majed Elias Ibrahim Odeh is one of the most skilled people in carving and making olive Wood master pieces in The Holy Land Bethlehem . He established this factory in his main town Beit Sahour ” The Place Of Shepherd’s Field” . It has been one of the general Palestinian attempts at preserving the beauty and spiritual depth of the past. One of his most famous quotes is ” I adore this work and i enjoy making these olive wood pieces .
Each piece presents a stage of the life of Our Jesus Christ . I feel that this work is one of the important things of my faith and Christianity . ” He began working in a small workshop and after 10 years his brother ” Mr. Ibrahim Elias Odeh ” join this work and hand in hand they developed themselves and worked ” day and night ” till they established their big factory . Mr. Ibrahim Odeh is one of the most skilled and persistent people and he is always looking for better future .
After these many years their sons and daughters took place in this factory and they developed this factory work according to new strategies and knowledge and they added new sections to this factory like laser department, and candles machines department . These intelligent persons with their children began to market their products all over the world. Nowadays this factory sell to most of the countries all over the world. Each year, they also participate in many trade shows to show their products.A marketing department was established in this factory and Mrs. Helen Odeh is responsible of this section .
This department let us sell and deal with all people all over the world. We are very proud that this factory nowadays have 15 professional artists from many families . We work as one team and one family . We are very proud that this work presents The Holy Land and Bethlehem all over the world.